As I See You …

As I see you… I simply see you. I acknowledge you. Ultimately, the simplicity of that basic human interaction is integral to the change you have been chosen to ignite. I, a blue-eyed white woman living 1,000 miles away from Ferguson Missouri, see you, a young black teenage boy. I see you.

Favorite Episodes: Dear America, We Need To Talk

January is a time for looking back at the prior year, our wins and losses.   Favorite Episodes is a way for me to look back at what I’ve written in 2015 that was well received by my readers while diving into my blog stats and editorial calendar.  Over the next few weeks, I will be…

White Privilege – Real or Not?

White privilege; does it or doesn’t it exist? If you were to ask the average black American whether white privilege exists they would respond with a resounding “hell yes”.  If you ask the average white American if white privilege exists they would look bewildered and loudly reply “hell no”.

Dear America, We Need To Talk

Dear America, We need to talk. We need to talk about #Race and #Racism in America.  My Twitter feed is on fire over #RoxburyShooting.  Please do not turn the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston into another #Ferguson.  I see so many tweets that are attempting to do just that on both sides of the battle. 

Blogging 101: Dream Reader

Blogging 101: Dream Reader Today’s Assignment: publish a post for your dream reader, and include a new-to-you element in it. Time to put your writing caps back on, and start honing your blogging focus. We often create posts hoping that someone in particular will see (and appreciate) our work. Today, publish a post for that person — whether…

the n-word

After posting ‘A Nation of Trayvons’, I had several lengthy discussions with one of my best friends about racism, how far we have really come, whether the election of a black President signifies hope for race relations and the use of the n-word in present day American society.  Her viewpoint was and is if a…

‘cuz he’s black – you need to watch this, please

Since first viewing Javon Johnson’s“’cuz he’s black”  on You Tube, I can’t stop watching it.  It is a must watch that takes less than five minutes.  Please stop now and watch it even if you don’t come back and finish reading this post. Johnson, a professor in the Department of American Studies & Ethnicity at…