As I See You …

As I see you… I simply see you. I acknowledge you. Ultimately, the simplicity of that basic human interaction is integral to the change you have been chosen to ignite. I, a blue-eyed white woman living 1,000 miles away from Ferguson Missouri, see you, a young black teenage boy. I see you.

Weekend Coffeeshare – September 10, 2017

If you and I were having coffee right now … I would tell you how although I have not focused on blogging for quite some time, I have been focusing on my writing.  I would tell you that even though I do not have a book ready to be published, I am working with The…

Taking Back Old Glory on the Fourth of July

Happy Birthday, America!! As the sun rose this morning, I thought about how divided our nation is and how some will celebrate today with a nationalistic fervor disguised as patriotism, some will celebrate with true patriotism, some will see nothing to celebrate and choose to sit this one out, and some will even celebrate without…

Burnin’ Up the Kitchen – Spotted Dog

Growing up Irish-American, I thought Irish soda bread had raisins in it. That was after all the kind my Irish-American great grandmother Sarah Carter, whom I never met, reportedly baked. In reality, what I grew up thinking was soda bread was its distant cousin Spotted Dog.

An Open Letter to my Friends on and off Facebook

An Open Letter to my Friends on and off Facebook, It has been over two months since America displayed just how broken our electoral college system is as the world watched in horror and disbelief.  As I write this hours before Inauguration Day, many Americans, like myself, are still in shock that the orange toddler…

#WeekendCoffeeShare – November 5, 2016

If you and I were having coffee right now … I would admit that 2016 has been a year largely spent fighting disorganization, writer’s block and various other obstacles strewn in front of my blogging and writing desk.

#WeekendCoffeeShare – October 16, 2016

If you and I were having coffee right now … I would acknowledge that it appears at least so far in 2016 my weekend coffee share posts have settled into a when the spirit moves me kind of schedule that just so happens to occur about quarterly.